In the not-so-distant future, Sam explores the depths of what could be the future of online dating.

Cast & Crew

Directed by:

Jonathon Davies

Written by:

Akash Saravanan & David Lee


Eli Hill as Sam

Francesca Abady-Kim as Khloe

David Lee as Creepy Guy

Spencer Lee as Naughty Kid

Produced by:

Akash Saravanan & Jonathon Davies


Jonathon Davies

Camera Team:

Alex Paterson, Jason Ellis

Location and Production:

David Lee

Music and Sound:

Mat Hoyes

Direction Team:

Akash Saravanan & Jason Ellis

Art Department:

David Lee & Akash Saravanan

Lighting Department:

Jason Ellis


Axl Scott, Matt Hughes & Rey Parry(Assist)

Camera Operator & Runner:

Alex Paterson

Visual Graphics:

Alex Paterson

Poster Design:

Axl Scott

  • This is our entry for the #48Hours2019, a competition that challenges filmmakers to write and produce a short film within 48 hours. These films are also made within certain genre criteria, adding more challenges to the filmmakers.

    Our genre was Sci-fi and our required elements were, The Double Take, Laughter, Overhead Shot and Wind. The city's unique award was for the best location.

    This short was made with the help of a very versatile cast and crew. The short was awarded as the Audience Favourite on Heat 4.

  • Set in a future where virtual reality had made significant advancements, Sam, an kind and soft manner man goes on an virtual date with Khloe.

    Initially the date goes well, with the couple starting to hit it off. However, in a moment, when Sam steps away from his system, his younger brother takes over, sabotaging the date.

    The date starts to go south as Sam comes back to a pissed off Khloe. Desperate to save the date, Sam requests for a video chat, only to realize that he is, in reality, being catfished.


Stars and Tides


Pantry of Memories