
Below are my musings, aka my blog posts through which I would be putting down some of my thoughts that run through my mind and in come cases, share my opinions on topics I feel passionate about. Some of the catergories include:

  • Uni Adventure - Through this series, I will be chronicling my adventures and experiences as I take on the biggest challenge I have faced in my life, being an University Student.

  • State of my mind - A personal Op-Ed section where I will be sharing my opinions on the goings of the world, and maybe some random thoughts every now and then.

Perspectives and Storytellers
Uni Adventure Akash Saravanan Uni Adventure Akash Saravanan

Perspectives and Storytellers

Week two had come and gone and oh by what a week it was. Given how delayed this entry is should be a good indication of the intensity that unfolded. This week, in my opinion, was a lot of retrospection and understanding my own self.

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Passions and Reflections
Uni Adventure Akash Saravanan Uni Adventure Akash Saravanan

Passions and Reflections

This week in a lot of ways was overwhelming. My first week in an actual University. Somehow I had forgotten how to be a student in the past few years so this week in a lot of ways felt like I was trying to recall a long lost skill.

A strong theme that I could find in all the classes I had was the idea of reflection. These things made me think…

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